The Division staff coordinate the strategic project “English-Speaking Environment” and perform the following tasks:
- Organizing of work on increase of language proficiency of the University staff
· organizing and conducting of short-term English courses for office and management staff, university faculty and SibMed clinics employees;
· organizing and conducting of education events for SibMed employees in English;
· organizing and conducting of Medical English courses for the university staff and healthcare employees. Organizing of work on increase of language proficiency of students:
· organizing and conducting of Medical English courses;
· organizing and conducting of education events for the SibMed students in English
· English courses within the project “Elite Medical Education”- Monitoring of language competences of SibMed staff and students.
- Professors’ language training and language support in developing materials for bilingual program “General Medicine” and “Dentistry”.
- Interpreting and translating within the university projects.